Eine handgemalte UV Mural Fassadengestaltung für den Bestseller Der Schwarm von Frank Schätzing in Köln

Hard Facts:


The swarm

What if nature strikes back?

Bestselling author Frank Schätzing asked himself this question 19 years ago when he published his sci-fi thriller novel “The Swarm”. In times of climate change, dystopian themes, such as the existential threat posed by a swarm intelligence in the deep sea, are more topical than ever. So the series of the same name, which has just premiered on ZDF Mediathek, comes at just the right time! In keeping with this, we teamed up with ZDF to come up with a particularly mystical out-of-home special in the beautiful city of Cologne. In the middle of Ehrenfeld, on the popular Venloer Straße, we created a spectacular mix of #handpainted mural and mysterious UV elements.

Our UV Mural!


The true magic of this fantastic motif can be marveled at when night falls and the swarm intelligence aka “Yrr” comes to life in our GLOW IN THE DARK MURAL. We are already looking forward to the start of the series and will be watching our wild case movie a few more times before then. A spectacular project that you definitely can't just walk past - but see for yourself!

Einzigartige Fassadengestaltung von Concrete Candy in Köln
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