Hard Facts:
Anyone who wants to make progress and achieve ambitious goals always needs ambitious partners and innovative concepts. With one of our GREEN MURALS® in Düsseldorf, we were able to accompany Vodafone on its journey to a completely emission-free future. Part of this journey involves turning outdoor advertising spaces into climate helpers. In Düsseldorf, a 145 m², environmentally friendly mural was created within a few days using paint and brushes right next to the busy city highway. The highlight - the photocatalytic mineral paints we use help to break down atmospheric air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, greenhouse gases and surface pollution, thus making a meaningful contribution to better air quality in the long term. In addition, the photocatalytic mineral paints reduce the temperature and thus help to cool the environment and the building.
The 145 m² GreenWall has the same cleaning effect as an equally sized area of mixed forest.